

项目名称:河北若瞳生物科技有限公司建网站 项目网址:www.demirtzoglou.com 公司简介: DEMIRTZOGLOUSAisaGreekcompanyengagedinproducingfertilizersandspe




DEMIRTZOGLOU SA is a Greek company engaged in producing fertilizers and specialty products which enhance plant growth. The company established in 1990 by the founder Mr. John Demirtzoglou and since 2005 DEMIRTZOGLOUSA operates as legal person. The experience of the company's staff and its well-trained scientific workforce are the basis upon which the company has been built. The company's strategy is determined by the following principles:
profile2Based on these principles, the people of DEMIRTZOGLOU SA formulate the course of the company having always in mind the benefit of the end consumer, that is the professional and amateur grower. As part of the effort to create innovative new products of high quality, DEMIRTZOGLOU SA systematically invests in research and development of new technologies, new production methods and new formulations.
Furthermore, in cooperation with scientific institutions, universities and research centers, the company tests new products and it experiments on plants of various crops to discover new benefits arising from the application of its formulations on crops. In this way the ultimate consumer of DEMIRTZOGLOU SA products is sure that buys always reliable and consistently high quality products.
The intense concern of DEMIRTZOGLOU SA executives for the environment and the impact of fertilizers and pesticides on it, has led the company to deal consistently with finding environmental solutions that will contribute to reducing environmental pollution while ensuring the health and the interest of the producer. For this reason more and more new formulations of the company are becoming environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional fertilizers in plant nutrition.
In recent years, DEMIRTZOGLOU SA has focused its attention in biotechnology studying the important role played by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) in the development and health of plants. Systematic research on this area has managed to create several new formulations for the plant nutrition (biofertilizers) and the improvement of the plants physical condition (bioeffectors) leading to the recognition of the company as a leader in biotechnology area in the field of agricultural supplies in Greece.

中源电气  科龙空调  铝合金门窗  佛山厨具回收  立柱广告装饰工程  深圳市宝艺斋文化艺术传播有限公司  佛山雅美绿科  常德市安福拍卖  微孔曝气机  朝阳民营医疗  同层排水管件|  电磁阀型号  洗砂机中联  明辉工程机械  山连山大樱桃  工装设计工程