与Youlanda Jewelry签订建站合同


项目名称:YoulandaJewelry建站 设计稿: Companiesrelyheavilyonkeyenergy-consumingenterprises,aroundtheenergy-savingemissionreduct

项目名称:Youlanda Jewelry建站


Companies rely heavily on key energy-consuming enterprises, around the energy-saving emission reduction national policy and industrial upgrading of the strategic direction of transformation, and constantly upgrade the advanced technology to tap the energy-saving space. For the use of energy companies to provide the status of diagnosis, energy-saving project design, financing, transformation, operation and management "one-stop" services.
Liyang Intelligent Energy Limited focusing on providing solar inverters and system solutions for market. Until now, we has reached over 6GW installation worldwide, famous as a world leading manufacturer of cost-effective solar inverters with high efficiency.
With a R&D team more than 100 engineers,70% of the staff, who has been deeply engaged in the photovoltaic industry for 10 years, we takes the mission to increase the inverter availability and efficiency,putting continuous innovation to make inverter easier for installation and operation, and more cost-effective for solar plant construction.

中源电气  科龙空调  铝合金门窗  佛山厨具回收  立柱广告装饰工程  深圳市宝艺斋文化艺术传播有限公司  佛山雅美绿科  微孔曝气机  朝阳民营医疗  同层排水管件|  电磁阀型号  洗砂机中联  明辉工程机械  山连山大樱桃  工装设计工程